blame it on the rain.
i blame the rain today for the wave a nostalgia that hit me today. it held my hand through a bunch of old photos, digital and printed. i feel like i used to have more fun back then. maybe that's just a silly feeling.
photo adventure day with my friends allie and ryan in boston when we were in college.
barber shop, downtown boston.
a pretty blue bike by the mfa.
boston harbor dock.
an alleyway between harvard and lesley university.
ryan's feet.
ryan's eyeball.
these are just randoms.
the counter-top in the printmaking studio at emmanuel.
ryan taking some note on the t.
man, that was a night.
the bathroom on the art department floor at emmanuel.
ryan's first visit the first summer i was a R.A.
taylor. i can't believe she's getting married!
these are all after i graduated, when i lived in allston for two years. crazy times.
these were taken on a hot summer night when vicki and i decided to take a drive in her car. that was a nice night.
ryan and randall, awesome fucking dudes.
randall through a glass.
my old window sill.
jessie being an awesome dude. i miss this.
zuelika on the night we all decided to play sponge bob uno and i drank 13 black label beers..yikes.
randall on the t.
the night randall, erin, hilary, and myself discovered how to get on the roof of our building on gardner street.
i was trying to catch some lightning.
gardner streets corner from the roof.
randall on the roof.
funny hair.
a jellyfish at the aquarium!
the fourth of july, 2005 i believe.
man, these were some really great times, i miss them all so much. the memories, but the people themselves more. if i could have one wish in the entire world it would be to make all my friends pocket-sized and carry them everywhere with me.
photo adventure day with my friends allie and ryan in boston when we were in college.
barber shop, downtown boston.
a pretty blue bike by the mfa.
boston harbor dock.
an alleyway between harvard and lesley university.
ryan's feet.
ryan's eyeball.
these are just randoms.
the counter-top in the printmaking studio at emmanuel.
ryan taking some note on the t.
man, that was a night.
the bathroom on the art department floor at emmanuel.
ryan's first visit the first summer i was a R.A.
taylor. i can't believe she's getting married!
these are all after i graduated, when i lived in allston for two years. crazy times.
these were taken on a hot summer night when vicki and i decided to take a drive in her car. that was a nice night.
ryan and randall, awesome fucking dudes.
randall through a glass.
my old window sill.
jessie being an awesome dude. i miss this.
zuelika on the night we all decided to play sponge bob uno and i drank 13 black label beers..yikes.
randall on the t.
the night randall, erin, hilary, and myself discovered how to get on the roof of our building on gardner street.
i was trying to catch some lightning.
gardner streets corner from the roof.
randall on the roof.
funny hair.
a jellyfish at the aquarium!
the fourth of july, 2005 i believe.
man, these were some really great times, i miss them all so much. the memories, but the people themselves more. if i could have one wish in the entire world it would be to make all my friends pocket-sized and carry them everywhere with me.
i miss you allie.